Sunday, February 26, 2012

Training Log 1/1/12-1/15/12

Ugh, I have immediately gotten behind in posting these.  I should have the next the next three up within the week, then I'll be caught up through the end of February.  Let's see if I can stop being terrible at this!

I ended up making some pretty major jumps in speed this training period.  In terms of running, flat ground distance runs dropped to the sub-10 minute/mile range for the first time this season and dropped 20+ seconds/mile off of hill running over the same route/distance from the previous two week period.  For swimming, I recorded my fastest 30 lap time ever, meaning I'm in better swimming shape than I have been prior to either of the 2010 or 2011 triathlons... and it's only January!  Sweet!!!

Goals for the next training period - I'm going to add a 5th run, swim and weight training session to the goals list and actually force myself to get the bike out if the weather cooperates.  I need to push out distance on the run but would like to focus more on intermediate distance on the swim.  Weight lifting routine will remain the same next period, but I want to change it up starting in February.  Basketball should resume in the next two weeks, but I'm leaving the goal at 1 because I still have doubts it will happen.

Run 4/4 (Goal/Actual)
1/04 - Macken Park - 4 mile run in 38:45 (9:41/mi) - splits - 9:35, 9:37, 9:52, 9:38 (garmin stats)
1/08 - Hospital Hill - 3.7 miles of hills - 38:12 (10:19/mi) (garmin stats)
1/14 - Macken Park - 3.1 mile run in 29:35 (9:33/mi) - splits - 9:32, 9:38, 9:34, :51.1 (0.1 mi, 8:36/mi pace) (garmin stats)
1/15 - Hospital Hill - 3.7 miles of hills - 37:47 (10:13/mi) (garmin stats)

Swim 4/4
1/04 - Total 26 laps - 3 sets of 2 laps - (1:45, 1:44, 1:44) 3x 5 laps - (4:42, 4:44, 4:44, 4:41)
1/07 - Total 36 laps - 3 sets of 2 laps - (1:42, 1:43, 1:47) 30 laps - tri-distance - 29:31
1/09 - Total 20 laps - 5 sets of 2 laps - (1:40, 1:41, 1:41, 1:41, 1:41) 5 laps - (4:41) 2x 2 laps (1:41, 1:40) 1 lap - (0:44.2)
1/14 - Total 28 laps - 3 sets of 2 laps - (1:42, 1:43, 1:45) 4x 5 laps - (4:46, 4:46, 4:43, 4:46), 2 laps (1:46)

Weight Training 4/4
1/03 - 3 sets of 10 of each: curls, shoulder press, shoulder raise, rows, fly, chest press
1/05 - 3 sets of 10 of each: curls, shoulder press, shoulder raise, rows, fly, chest press
1/08 - 3 sets of 10 of each: curls, shoulder press, shoulder raise, rows, fly, chest press
1/11 - 3 sets of 10 of each: curls, shoulder press, shoulder raise, rows, fly, chest press

Bike 2/0

Basketball 1/0

Weight - 238 (last post - 238, total loss - 5)
Distance capability - 7 miles (12/29/2011)
10K time - 1:02:50 (11/29/2011)
5K time -29:35 (1/14/2012)

Year-To-Date Mileage (Jan 1 2012 - current)
Run - 14.5 miles
Bike - 0 miles
Swim - 3.14 miles

Distance - 8.7 miles (4/7/11) - Macken Park Training
5K (official) - 28:14 (7/9/11) - Grayslake 5K
5K (unofficial) - 28:03 (5/2/11) - Macken Park Training
10K - 1:02:04 (4/28/11) - Macken Park Training
Half-Marathon - N/A
Olympic-Distance Triathlon - 3:38:57 (5/22/11) - KC Triathlon

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